Unauthorised Laser transaction on my account - from abroad

A follow up on my 'unauthorised laser transaction' - well it was authorised by me. I was expecting a charge from Wright's Insurance in Wexford for €40.00, but the charge came in as Arracas Corp and was for only €15.35! Therefore alarm bells started to ring. The AIB were back to me within 5 working days.
That really bugs me when you make a transaction with a company and they debit your account under a different name. Really annoying....
It just makes me wonder if these errors are merely a coincidence or if they have been happening all the time and I haven't noticed as it's only lately I've been keeping a good eye on the accounts!!.

I'd be the same as you Priscilla, I only got onto online banking lately and it's great for keeping an eye on your account. Before that I wouldn't have noticed a small sum being taken out of my account or even a larger one as I wouldn't take great notice of my bank statement every month - silly I know.

Call me cynical but I think some of these places chance their arm thinking you won't notice.

PS: Glad you got sorted too NHG