unable to run cd on my pc



i am unable to run a disc i got from the tax institute on my pc.

the error message reads as follows

C:WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsfot Windows applications.

What is the matter with it. Other discs have run on the pc and the disc runs on my colleagues pc.

any help would be greatly appreciated
Are you sure that you have the correct version of Windows required by the software package? Does the program attempt to run automatically when the CD is inserted or are you manually launching a particular application off the CD? Are you sure that you are launching the correct file?
right package

we all have the same package (Windows XP)in the office and the cd runs perfectly off the other pc's. its seems to read the cd but not run it. sorry i'm illiterate in pc talk.
Re: right package

So - you stick the CD in and do nothing else but the error above is displayed? Is that correct?
possible spyware

After reading this link and others it looks like it might be spyware/malware causing a problem. Theres solutions posted on that link.
See also the clean pc sticky post for catching spyware.
error message

no i go into the d-drive, double click on the install icon and then the error message comes up.

on the other pc's the message does not show. in fact the icon install does not need to be clicked. on the left side the drop down menu has install and when clicked, they have no problem installing it.

so it sees the cd yet doesn't allow it to install for some reason.