Unable to pay rates?


Registered User
I am just wondering what action a Local Authority will take if a business is unable to pay it's rates? (For 2009) Will they force the business to close down?

How Joanne I was in the same position last year couldnt pay and I got a court order in the post from the rates people, but before it came to court I came to an agreement with the rates people and issued them with post dated cheques for the months ahead, they were very nice and accepted it, I've had to do the same with Revenue etc, its a nightmare trying to keep the wolves from the door, but eventually the rates people will send it to court so if you can come up with any kind of agreement that you will be able to keep too they will accept that, nobody wants to be going the court route. Best of luck with it.
Thanks Bus Woman. It's actually a friend of mine, they already received the court order, I suggested they try to settle out of court but apparantely they are unable to do so. The post dated cheques might work though. Thanks.
We have clients in similar situations. Their income is down, costs are falling as a result and yet local authorities have not reduced their rates.
I would just write to them (dont phone) with the post dated cheques, you will be seen (or your friend will) to be making an effort and it will be in writing. Tell her to include the post dated cheques for what she can manage, but make one of the cheques 'current' so that it will go through now. Hope this helps.
Thanks, I will pass this advice on. Hopefully it will resolve the issue.