Unable to pay large credit card debt due to illness


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My father has battled with debt for a very long time. Over the last 10 years or so he has had a number of credit cards with a debt of between 10k and 40k. He has always paid them – up until now. He’s in his 70’s and he’s just had a stroke. He has difficulty speaking and his ability to remember things, read and add up has been hugely affected. It’s unlikely to get much better.

I’d like some advice as to what we can do about this debt. What happens if we simply stop paying? He also has some other debt – and it’s got to the stage where we need solid professional advice.

I would appreciate any help anyone can give me
What is the amount of debt owed, to who, and at what rate?
You will probably need to contact he institutions and inform them of the situation.
Any savings?
Is he receiving pension?
So there is about 25k owed to approx 5 credit car companies. He has next to no savings, enough to keep the house going for a couple of months. He does not own his house he lives in a house own by my sister - we all contribute to covering the mortgage and living expenses. he has some form of pension but its not much.

If I contact these companies what is their likely response? My opinion is he should tell them to get stuffed, he's paid them many times the balance over the years. What can they do to try to get the debt, can it ever come on to us as the children?

Really I need to look into professional help from an actual debt advisor. Where should I start looking can anyone advise?
What about MABS? Ring their helpline for a start, might point you in the right direction and will cost nothing.

From your thread there is no hope of these debts being ever paid , therefore it is time to get closure.

If you can or wish to, have your father authorize all and every contact through yourself .(that takes some pressure from him)
Advise all these companies of your fathers actual financial position.
(do not get locked into long -winded forms to fill out . A simple showing of his small pension and he having no assets will do)
Advise them of your fathers health position.

Most companies keep pressing whilst they get any funds , they will normally back off when it is clear that the customer cannot afford to repay.

At this stage no need to tell them to gt stuffed. Keep records and copies of all correspondance. From what you say matters should be rsolved within a couple of months.
There is ABSOLUTELY no way any Company can chase children for fathers debts.
You say he has no wealth, bottom line therefore is that if you present the true facts to them they will effectively go away.
ps . Do not answer private calls from them (hardly ringing to say you won the Lotto!)