Unable to Get Info From Kitchen Company


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Hi There,

I'm just wondering has anyone had a similar experience to mine!

I recently purchased a brand new apartment and one of the added 'benefits' of this apartment was a fitted kitchen. Unfortunately, there is just not enough storage in the kitchen so we are looking to add some units.

In the interests of shopping around, I requested a quote from the company who originally installed the kitchen and also asked another Kitchen company to give me a quote.

Unfortunately, the doors on the kitchen units are quite unusual so in order to get a quote off the 2nd company, I need to get the actual name / make of the doors off the original company. They are refusing to give me this information saying "why should they give the edge to the competition". The guy I phoned this morning was so rude and literally laughed at me.

I’ve tried to get the information off the Property Management company as well and haven’t had any luck yet. According to the guy I spoke to this morning, they have a contract with the Construction company who built the apartments and that any details of the kitchen are “secret”.

Is there anything I can do about this? Are they legally obliged to give me this information, considering that I now own the apartment?
Go into their showrooms and just take a look as if you are a prospective customer... I hate that kind of sh*t behaviour! Maybe you are legally entitled but that's a messy route down a straightforward avenue....

They don't know what you look like so tell them you're ordering a 30,000 kitchen and they'll bend over backwards ro give you the info you need!!

Thanks but we actually tried that!!! We went in to get a quote and went through the whole process of drawing sketches and everything. I casually asked about the doors and I was shut down completely... It's looking like we're going to have to actually use this company if we want to extend the kitchen...it will make me sick handing money over to them!!!
Can you unscrew one door and go to the second company with it - they might recognise the make?

Or photograph the doors and post on somewhere like boards.ie asking if anyone recognises the make?

Or get someone else to go to the first company with a fake order specifying a totally different make (something hard to get), when the first company say they havent got that make, ask what make they do have?

Some cool suggestions, thanks!!

My cousin works for the 2nd company and he's had a good few carpenters have a look at it but nobody recognises it. It seems to be one that only the 1st company do. They don't even have it in the showrooms...it's probably cheap cr*p they mass produce for their development contracts But I don't care, it's pretty

I might ask my brother to go down there at the weekend and see what he can find out... Although they're fierce secretive!!
Are there ANY identifying marks, stickers, numbers etc on any of the doors?

If you google 'kitchen unit doors' and go to images you can trawl through plenty of them.
Are there ANY identifying marks, stickers, numbers etc on any of the doors?

If you google 'kitchen unit doors' and go to images you can trawl through plenty of them.

Ok cool, will have another proper proper look at them later and see if I can find any stickers or anything. Fingers crossed!!!

Thanks again for your help!!! All this to save a few euro Although at this stage it's anything not to have to get the the 1st crowd to do it
The only other suggestion I have is to bring one of the doors to a couple of the really big kitchen unit places (like B&Q off the top of my head) and see if they recognise them.
Definitely take a door or drawer off and bring it around in the car with you and drop into every kitchen place going.... If it's in a developement then you can be certain it's not on the higher end of stuff..... Try the panelling centre, Noyeks Newmans, Make Kitchens, Nolans Kitchens, B&Q, IKEA etc....

You'll soon find it!!!

Just don't give the secretive crowd the money!!!
Name and shame. I am looking at replacing my kitchen and don't fancy buying off the likes of these.