Unable/prevented from re-newing Comm Veh tax


Registered User
Hi and merry Xmas to all AAMers,
But ive been told of a friend of mine, who, when he went to re-new his tax on his van was sent his documents back and told he would need an up to date tax clearance cert to tax it commercially. He was self employed and is now I suppose one of the many thousands of the 'self un-employed' is this true? or does anyone know if this is becoming another urban myth?
apoliges if this is not in the right forum

It's all down to Min John Gormley's attack on the commercial sector a totally ill thought out and stupidly inept policy.

"Thousands now facing €900 rise in motor tax"
thanks werner for the reply, ive just read the article above , but it is'nt clear though that if someone is in an accident with a child or someone with them, are they then covered by their insurance or is it void because they are driving illeagly?