Ulsterbank loan application query


Registered User
Hi all
I am wondering has this experience happened to anyone else.
I applied for a personal loan with ub end of august. I did it online as I believed a decision would be " quicker"
Got initial approval, sent of all relevant documents. Signed forms.( I bank with them too) a week and a half recieved a txt to contact them.
Needed two more pieces of info that needed work stamps ( not requested in initial application) I duly obtained and sent off.
Got another txt a week later, call again. Asked to go into local bank and have address verified by staff member, though proof of address provided. Completed that too.
Then was expecting final decision last week ( month after application) got ANOTHER requesting me to go into my branch to complete application.

I called them to ask what that meant. They said the loan was not refused, I had to go into my branch to complete.
I went into my local branch yesterday and they had no idea why this had happened and could not help me.
They contacted my actual branch ( in another city) and they did not know either why I was referred back to branch.
Have been told to call the loan number again and say I visited the branch and they did not know why .
My loan application was due to expire last friday.
I am really annoyed as this has wasted so much of my time! I could have applied elsewhere but as they are my bank I thought the whole process would be easier and quicker!!
I will call them today and I will be sickened if they tell me my application has expired and I need to reapply! I dont want another search against my credit rating! Esp when totally unneccessary.
5 weeks for a loan application ..the staff member helping me in the branch was shocked by that! Any tips on how to progress with this? My credit rating is perfect and i have never had any problems getting loans before .