Ulster Bank want "an up-to-date" signature


Registered User
I got a letter from Ulster Bank the other day in which they asked me to call in for the purposes of providing an "up-to-date" signature for their files.

Do the good people in UB think that my signature has evolved over the years, perhaps reflecting my life experiences?

Or have they just cocked up and lost the numerous signatures they should already have?
Who knows? You may have opened a Henry Hippo UB kids account years ago when you were a kid when your signature was childlike and they need something more legible? UB wouldn't be asking if it wasn't totally necessary (!)
Is that because our banks are world-renowned for their efficiency and fool-proof systems!
My signature has changed totally in the space of 10 years (20 - 30). So much so that my bank refused a large withdrawel on the basis of the signature until I could provide additional photo ID.
Well it's 18 mths since I applied for a credit card in the same branch but they still want an up-to-date signature.
I have had problems with my signature too. Mine has definitely changed over the last 15 years. passport signature wasnt exactly the same as social services card or bank cards. I definitely don't write the same as when I was 18yo .what I've noticed is that my signature can vary a bit, depending on whether I am standing up at a post office/bank counter or sitting down at a table/desk. type of pen and the surface what I am leaning on influences my writing too. I've even had my passport queried when as the photo shows, its pretty obvious I am the guy in it! I was half thinking of changing my signature to just block capital inititials on all ID's just to eliminate hassle.
It is strange tho that in the modern electronic age of pin numbers etc, a signature would occupy the bank so much. My signature is too big and scrawly for the the back of the cards, so I vary it to fit, and it's nothing like my normal one, I'm sure others do the same.
I also got a letter the other day looking for I.D. such as passport, utility bills, etc. They also are looking for signatures and withdrawl instructions on the joint account. These were all provided when the account opened. These were provided again when I opened a fixed term deposit. My current account was opened 13 years ago.
I am annoyed by this request. I thought that companies were supposed to take care of your data?
UB are quite right in doing this. As a previous poster pointed out, your signature slowly changes over time. In addition, (and speaking as someone who many moons ago used to check signatures on cheques against those on file in a bank), the amount of people who put "Sunday Signatures" on their files and then sign documents with a sqiggle was unreal. You should be complementing your bank on making sure they have up to date records for you.

Bear in mind as well, that on a daily basis the banks in Ireland (north and south) can process up to half a million cheques as well as countless other documents that require signatures
We got one of those letters as well. We never visit Ulster Bank and use internet banking and the ATM for all our needs. The nearest Ulster Bank is about 15 miles away. Now they want both of us to visit the bank and sign in their presence. It is difficult enough for one of us to get there but presumably they want both of us at the same time. Think this is a real pain that we could do without.
the amount of people who put "Sunday Signatures" on their files and then sign documents with a sqiggle was unreal.

And presumably these people will continue to do so regardless of whether they provide another sample signature.

You should be complementing your bank on making sure they have up to date records for you.

They already have them. That they feel they need them is what worries me.