Ulster Bank Online Banking


Registered User
Following on from the thread on Ulster Bank's offer of €150 to switch cuurent account to them and mandate salary...this is the motivation that I need to move from my existing banking provider who I have threatened to leave for years.

So my question is to existing UB customers who use their online banking facilities - is it a quality, user-friendly, reliable service? I use my current bank's online service almost daily so this is a deal breaker for me. I have had a look at the demo on their site and it seems straightforward...any glitches I should know about?
I use it everyday without too much trouble. Occasionally the login screen is a bit slow to come up. They improved the login procedure about 6 months ago by dropping private keys so that it could be logged into from any computer. It was also changed recently to let you add/modify/delete standing orders and delete direct debts. Paying credit card and utility bills through it and making transfers to external accounts also work.