Ulster Bank Mortgage statements


Registered User
For anybody who has an Ulster Bank mortgage, just thought I would let you know the following info.

Since obtaining a mortgage from them in Oct 2002, have always received a balance statement from them in January outlining the previous calander years transactions, interest charged and balance remaining.

Did not receive anything so far this year so phoned them up last week where I was told that there was a delay in sending them out this year but that they were all due to be posted out on Mon Feb18.

As I still did not receive anything in the post this morning, again phoned them up where I was told that the Bank's policy had changed in relation to balance statements, from now on they will only be sent out when they receive a formal request from the customer, so that's what I did.

So like me if you are waiting for the balance statement and Cert of interest, then you need to phone 1890 252304 and put in the request.

p.s. Nice of Ulster Bank to let us know of the Policy Change that they implemented this week ! ! !
Thanks for that. Just remembered this week that I hadn't received anything. Are they allowed to withhold statements unless requested? Its not ideal
What do the terms & conditions of the loan agreement say about statement frequency? I would have thought that lenders were obliged to issue statements as a matter of course at least annually?
What do the terms & conditions of the loan agreement say about statement frequency? I would have thought that lenders were obliged to issue statements as a matter of course at least annually?

I would have thought so as well. Will check the T&C when I get home
That's exceedingly annoying not getting the annual statement. Very shoddy customer service. Thanks OP I'm going to telephone them now. I was waiting for them.
ive been watching our post carefully during February for my statement because of a few issues I have with them etc. Anyhow will contact them today and order mine. Surely any lending agency is oblidged to give their customer a statement..! ah well what do i know... I think im having an "i hate life" day today.
ok.. ive just called them, spoke to a Janeen (<-- spelled wrong most likely) she said UB have not stopped issuing yearly statements. They are sending out 10,000 a day at the moment and to just have a little patience. mine is on the way im being told.
I can't get through to anyone but maybe there is confusion here. Ulster bank used to send out an annual statement plus an interest certificate. About 4 years ago they changed and just sent out the annual statement (details all the mortgage payment made during the year) and you had to telephone them to ask for the interest certificate.
I telephone Ulsterbank yesterday to ask for an interest statement (3 to 5 days). They told me the annual statements are being sent out the end of February (yes I realise that's Friday) so I don't think any have been sent yet.
Rang them this morning. They are sending out the statements "in batches", apparently they must have missed/messed up mine by accident. I will have a copy in three to five days.

Sounded like everybody else has got their statement bar me. pfffffff
Have to say Ulster Bank Mortgages are tip top- always very prompt when phone them or write in- no longer with them, but could never fault them. Just write/ phone to them - very good service and courtesy from staff at all times. Credit where credit is due.
Really? Although I found them to offer good terms, they took forever and typically lost some documents along the way. For a few years, they were inundated with applications, so maybe if that has eased a bit, they are better to deal with.
What a coincidence. Have a loan (apparantly) with Ulster Bank since 2000. Never got an account number or statement although repayments made. In 2003 UB admitted mistake and refinanced load to no interest. Still no statements until 2006 despite my asking dozens of times in writing. Started receiving statements in 2006 with same account number as given in 2005 and most recent statement showed i owed a small balance. Balance always incorrect. Cleared balance as per the statement last week and asked for Life Assurance release . This is now denied and they are telling me it's my fault and they refuse to release the charge of Life Policy. Now telling me that the account number they gave me is a Hold account and they are not obliged to ever send me a statement. Now threatening all kinds of stuff although terms of Bankers Federation for Credit Institutions states that customers entitled to a statement of minimum once per year. Now playing a waiting game -- do I let them sue me or do I go to the Financial Ombudsman ?? Maddening when the Bank tell me that it is my fault, although they admit not sending correct account number statements. Watch this Space !!!!
Only after happening upon this thread did I realise I still haven't got my Ulster Bank mortgage statement either - will ring them tomorrow. Thanks for the tip-off!