Ulster Bank Mastercard exchange rate


Registered User
I bought a number of items from Amazon in the UK and notice that the exchange rate is very bad.

One example: I paid £55.27 GBP and it appeared on my bill as €67.43.

I phoned Ulster Bank and they put me through to to the credit card department. Being part of RBS they say that they use the same exchange rate as RBS ( can be found here (http://www.rbs.co.uk/personal/travel/g1/money/currency-converter.ashx) plus a 2% charge for foreign transactions.

The conversion today should be on the sterling value 55.27 + 1.1054 (2%) = 56.374. Putting this into the calculator retuns: 56.37 Pounds Sterling = 63.05 Euro.

The gentleman I spoke to said that it's obviously down to currency fluctuations but this transaction was carried out this week.

Am I missing something?
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Exchange rates can change on a daily basis, so what the calculator is telling you today may not what it would have told you some days ago.

The credit card statement should include the actual exchange rate used to carry out the conversion.
It hasn't shown GBP/EUR exchange rates in transactions for as long as I can remember.

I got my UB CC statement yesterday and every sterling transacion includes a line showing the exchange rate, e.g. 9.00 GBP EXCHANGE RATE 0.845070

I'm surprised this isn't on yours. You should follow it up with UB