Ulster Bank International Transfer


Registered User
I recently sent a query to Ulster Bank via their web site asking when or if they planned to introduce international transfers like AIB and NIB have done. I received this reply which doesn't make sense to me as AIB and NIB both have online international transfers. Why do Ulster Bank seem to think they can't have this service when two other banks currently provide it?

Thank you for your recent email.

In common with other Banks operating Internet Banking Services, Ulster Bank are not permitted to transfer funds across currency or administrative
boundaries. This is a requirement of the Financial Services Authority. You
can, of course, transfer funds internationally from the account holding

I hope this will help clarify the situation.

Kind Regards,
I thought the FSA was the regulator in the UK, not in Ireland...?!? Besides which, I have an account with Northern Bank (Danske owned) in NI and you can do international transfers with them as you can with NIB here.