Key Post UK State Pension - Make voluntary contributions to qualify for UK pension on top of Irish pension

Did your letter list all the years you can pay back as far as 2006?
It lists all the years that I can pay back (and that I expected). But as I moved away from the UK in 2016, it is obviously a shorter list.
A big thank you to @DannyBoyD and everyone else for the wonderful information and advice. I sent my application/form CF 83 with a detailed covering letter on all my employments and self-employments at the end of March ‘23. Happily my HMRC letter arrived today allowing me to buy back 17 years at class 2. I worked in the UK for a little under 3 years and thought I wouldn’t qualify but I did! It’s going to make such a huge difference to have this pension and I would never have even thought it was possible until I saw it here. @DannyBoyD is going have such a positive impact on so many lives just for starting this thread. Thank you again!
very good Calmsea . I also received my letter today . For the benefit of others waiting , my form was received into HMRC on 14/3/23. The status changed from in progress to completed at end of Jan 2024. The letter is dated 30/1/24 so about a two week lag time .
Bit of a mixed bag for me . I got Class 2 from 2016 to now and class 3 for previous 10 years . By way of background I was born and brought up in Northern Ireland and was working in Northern Ireland prior to getting job in ROI in 2005. I had the required 3 years NI contributions plus 3 credit years . I then commuted cross border until 2016 , at which point I moved permanently to live in ROI. I paid PRSI all this time. Country of residence appears to be the issue? Anybody in similar circumstances appeal this or could shed some insight.
In meantime thanks to all contributors here for getting to this point
Same here. Got my letter today having sent my form off in March 23. Approved for Class 2. I’ve 20 years contributions and 8 years to go to retirement. That leaves me with 7 years to backdate. My question is would there be any point in paying more than 35 years? For example if they were to increase the qualification period above 35 years contributions in the next few years. I know that no one can predict the future but would it be an idea to pay for 40 years as a hedge against such an event? By the way many thanks to DannyBoy & all other contributors - invaluable information and advice here. I’m immensely grateful.
Hi there , thanks for all the great advice . My husband and I both applied March last year 23 . He got a reply today to pay Class 3 though was sure it would be Class 2 as has 14 qualifying years , worked immediately before leaving Uk and started work in Ireland , still working now . Just wondering how we appeal ? Does he need to fill in a new form and include a letter ? Thank you
Write a letter and include all your supporting paperwork.
Will do thank you , though as it’s 22 years since we left uk we don’t have exact dates , just the month we left and can’t seem to find last Paye document on leaving uk . There was probably a gap of 3 weeks before starting new job in Ireland , does the amount of time matter ?
Just like waiting on a bus….. second letter from HMRC in one week. Got letter requesting payment of whats described as Class 3 arrears from before 6/10/23. Letter is very vague and the cost is 89.70 pounds which would equate exactly to 26 weeks of class 2 . Note I’m approved for class 2 and got that letter earlier in week . Anyone else receive this? I intend to contact them after weekend but if someone here knows about this mayby they would explain . Thanks a lot
Just checking is it best to send letter of appeal by post or can it be done on Government Gateway website ? Considering it took 11 months for reply on CF83 application , want to make sure I’m doing it the best way
Sorry if this has been asked as I'm new on here but - is it too late to apply for this now? Thanks!
(ie. Is the 'deadline extended to April 2025' referring to applications?)
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Just checking is it best to send letter of appeal by post or can it be done on Government Gateway website ? Considering it took 11 months for reply on CF83 application , want to make sure I’m doing it the best way
If you're are appealing you want to include all your documentary evidence. You can send by recorded delivery.

The wait time doesn't really matter at this stage. The important part is that your claim to be eligible to pay NICs has been accepted.
Hello everyone, I'm just finding this thread now (wish I had found it before I submitted my form to the UK revenue last April). I worked in London between 1986-1989 and returned to Ireland to work full time for a couple of years. I then worked freelance for over 17 years. I stupidly didn't fill in section 4 on the form (about employment) as I didn't know what the correct answer was at the time (I was anxious about screwing it up). My claim is 'in process' but there is no information about when I can expect an answer. I wonder if anyone else has made a bags of it like I have and/or if anyone can advise me on what to expect next? Is there anything I should do? Ring/email? Thanks so much for this fantastic resource!
PS: I have 6 qualifying years according to UK revenue and I am 61!
Do another CF83, include your supporting documentation & a cover letter that you think you might have made a mistake and misread the form on your initial application.
Do another CF83, include your supporting documentation & a cover letter that you think you might have made a mistake and misread the form on your initial application.
apart from the form and letter what additional supporting documentation should I include? Question 4 says 'Are you or will you be working abroad for an employer?' so I am assuming this is backdated to when I left London? Do I need tax returns? CV etc? And, what is preferable - self employment or employment? I have done both since I left London - employment first then the latter...Thank you in advance!
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Great thread! i was going to print out CF83 form when i realised there is now an online form available on the website. it doesn't offer a facility to upload a cover letter or fill one out. have people used this successfully without usage of a cover letter? Am hoping to get class 2 & back pay for a couple of gap years (2015-2019) . I spent 8 years working in London before returning back to Ireland in 2013 (the pension forecast says I contributed 12 years which is not accurate). Everyone on here seems to be printing out the form so holding off submitting as not sure if im missing something!