I am in a similar position and asked the question of the Revenue Commissioners. Q&A posted below, and I was careful to specify exactly the type of pension (DB/final salary). This is now filed away in my ROS inbox awaiting the day I take this pension:
I have a further deferred UK pension that I am now able to take for the first time. I am aware that the new monthly pension payments will be taxable in Ireland. As part of the scheme rules, I can commute an element of the pension (up to 25% of the pension fund value) into a lump sum at commencement. This lump sum would be payable tax - free in the UK. My specific question is if, as an Irish tax resident, I commenced this UK pension in the next couple of years, and elected to take the 25% lump sum, would this lump sum be taxable in Ireland? The pension is a UK occupational scheme, not for UK government employment, and is a final salary/defined benefit scheme. Your reply will determine my actions: if the lump sum is tax -free in Ireland, I will take it. If it is taxable, I will simply take the pension without the lump sum. Thanks in advance Paul XXXXXX
Hi Paul, Please note the lump sum would not be taxable in Ireland. Regards, Kay XXXX Sligo Revenue District
I believe it depends on the nature of the pension in question. If it would be approved (in a Revenue sense) in Ireland, it has the same tax freedoms as an equivalent Irish scheme.