uk driving licence


Registered User
Do the authorities check the validity of uk licences? Ive got two points for talking on mobile. (while stuck at red traffic lights). Ive a uk licence and on the letter received from guards they are looking for country of licence and licence number. Just out of curiosity I was wondering if Ireland communicates with the uk over such matters?

Thanks for that ans. I looked at the thread but Im still not sure. Ive lived in the Uk for 15 years and when I returned I swaped my uk for irish and then went and got my uk one again. So I have two license'. (lets not get into the morality / legality of it!)

So I was wondering if I gave my uk number is there a way of them verifying the validity of it?
I lived there for a while too - thats how i got my licence - the only people that can do you for the licence as far as i can see is the UK police. You are supposed to inform the DVLC in swansea immediatly for a change of address. So ironically, i wouldnt drive over there on my UK licence. However, as its all the EU now or whatever you want to call it, you're legally allowed to drive here on it BUT the Garda cannot endorse or hassle you over it. I was told when stopped that i had to change my licence, so i got onto the dept of transport here and they said is was not mandatory.
I dont believe that the Guards would check up in the UK on your licence. Seems a little drastic i think. Talk to the dept of transport - they have all the answers and i found them to be very helpful. I was actually more informed than the guard who stopped me after speaking with them.