UK - Double Taxation query


Registered User
I received a 12k refund from Revenue for the tax year 2023. I moved to the UK in April 2023. The HMRC UK are asking me what tax I paid in Ireland in 2023, but I said I ha had no liability in 2023 as I got a refund of 12k - they are now wanting to tax me 9.5kg sterling. The tax I received back from Irish Revenue was preliminary tax I paid on rental income but there were lots of repairs so only 500 profit from 10k, and on self-employment income - where there was a loss of 100 due to costs such as CPD and professional registrations - my total self-employed income was 3200 for 2023. I retired early and had a small lump sum payment of 32k which after tax was 25k - this is where most of the tax was due back from Irish Revenue or so my accountant says, but now HMRC want to tax me on this pension amount despite the refund from Revenue - does anyone here know if this is correct? I am so confused with the tax situation between the two countries.
Are you using a UK tax advisor to fill in the UK tax forms? They will give you advice on how best to get credit for tax already paid in Ireland.

Overall you need to state your gross rental income in the post here along with expenses and not the net position. Also as UK tax year starts and ends in April can you be specific on when you moved to the UK and clarify what year tax return are you submitting here to HMRC. Is it 2023/24?

The key difference between UK and Irish tax on rental income is that in Ireland mortgage interest is not a relief but instead a tax credit. So you could end up paying a higher amount of tax on your Irish rental income to HMRC than you would in Ireland but you should get a credit for any tax already paid in Ireland.

By the sounds of it you should only be paying 20% tax under Irish system ss your income that year may have been below the standard rate cut off point.