UK Car price??

  • Thread starter flightspeed
  • Start date


Does anyone know what a realistic reduction is on the UK online price?? I experienced a huge reluctance to even talk to us about price below a couple of hundred pounds.

I know that thats the game but at home the dealer will knock off a thousand euro straight away and then take offers. In the UK there was a blank, heres the price. We can talk about a minor bit off for sale but nothing significant. We actually left the showroom despite offering within 500 pounds of the asking price....

Is there such a difference between buying in Ireland and UK??
I don't think its between UK and Ireland,it just depends on the type of person/outlet selling the car and the circumstances.When i was there it was hard to bargain him down but i did buy in the end.
One disadvantage about buying in the UK is they know you have come all the way for the particular car.
It depends.

You might well get a straight deal discount off a dealer where the price is higher to begin with.

You simply won't get one with the like of Cargiant, where the price is set lower.
My experience is that they're much tougher to haggle with, especially the NI main dealers. They're also very busy right now with southern customers and they know that they have easy sale for the popular models such as Toyota Corolla/Auris, VW Golf etc.
I would imagine that it is easier bargain on a less popular car?
When we were buying our car in the UK the manager of the garage would not budge on the price. I am used to haggling but he would not budge. He explained that he also had to tax the vehicle before we could take it out of the garage. I told him we did not want it taxed as we were taking it to Ireland and therefore he could deduct that sum. He did reluctantly and advised us that if we are caught without the tax we are liable. Anyway, saved approx 250.00 Sterling. Still saved a huge amount of money though.