UK based ETP that track US shares


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What are the Irish tax residence implications of investing in UK based ETPs like NVD3 which can be listed in dollars (or pounds)

Trading 212 markets Cyprus offers Irish residents the opportunity to buy many 3x leverage ETPs

Are these usually just treated as CGT on gains?
Leveraged ETPs are CGT because they are debt securities, not funds. You can check the structure in its Fact Sheet or KID.

While an investment in an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) would generally represent a material interest in an offshore fund, investments in Exchange Traded Commodities (ETC) can vary and may be a debt security. If an ETC is a debt security, then it will be taxed in accordance with general taxation principles. A review of the exchange traded product is important to ascertain what tax treatment applies.
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ETP stands for “Exchange Traded Product” and is the collective term for ETFs, ETCs and ETNs.

I’ve never heard of NVD3 and would suggest proceeding with an abundance of caution.