UB Zinc card changes


Registered User

Got a letter from UB today stating changes to the Zinc Card with effect from 11/09/2010.

Amongst other changes, the rate for purchases has jumped from 12.7%APR - 18.3%APR ?!? A bit steep I thought...

Kind of making me think about switching. Although I'm also wondering that since I now have a Visa Debit card (also with UB) could I live without a credit card entirely. The only thing that makes me nervous is being on holiday and having problems with a card. Good to have a backup perhaps?

Anyone else had any experiences of ditching the credit card and making do with a visa debit??
Got that letter today as well. Haven't read it yet. Will definitely think about switching.
Yes I got that weird little letter today as well from Andrew McQueen who has the strange title of "Head of Cards".

I clear my cc in full every month, do the changes have any impact on me?

Probably not Ajapale. Unless you were stuck in an emergency and needed to draw out cash on your card. Advances going up from 14.4 to 26%. Bit of a jump too! Don't think the interest free period applies to cash advances??