UB > PTSB Annual mortgage statement


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Has anyone received their annual mortgage statement from PTSB for 2023?

ITs almost March and still nothing. I called them 2 weeks ago and they said there was a delay with the UB to PTSB mortgage statements but that they were imminent but still have yet to receive mine.
Got my boi (KBC) statement yesterday too. My guess is the mortgages did not transfer until Feb/march, so needed a calculation of interest charged by Two institutions and that caused delays
Hi all. I received statement from PTSB today (former UB mortgage holder) . Also a letter requesting up to date life insurance info.
This is my first correspondence from PTSB since the UB transfer. I noticed on the bottom of letter in the small print its says 'PTSB have appointed Pepper Finances as servicer of your loan account'. Is this something to be concerned about? It is not a distressed mortgage and haven't missed any payments etc. Asking as I only hear negative things about Pepper and its association with vulture funds etc.
Hi all. I received statement from PTSB today (former UB mortgage holder) . Also a letter requesting up to date life insurance info.
This is my first correspondence from PTSB since the UB transfer. I noticed on the bottom of letter in the small print its says 'PTSB have appointed Pepper Finances as servicer of your loan account'. Is this something to be concerned about? It is not a distressed mortgage and haven't missed any payments etc. Asking as I only hear negative things about Pepper and its association with vulture funds etc.

Pepper simply services your account as in does all the admin work like collecting payments etc. The mortgage is still owned by PTSB. Most mortgages are serviced outside the bank you have mortgage with.
thanks for the reply. Previously with UB I had only ever interacted with them directly with any mortgage issues.
When I rang PTSB was transferred 3 times before finally dealing with someone who was responsible for my mortgage , it was only when I asked she explained she worked for Pepper not PTSB.