U.S. Customs and Immigration forms?


Registered User
My elderly folks are heading to USA next week. I would like to have the U.S. Customs and Immigration forms completed for them prior to the hustle and bustle of Dublin Airport. Anyone know where I could get them ( besides the airport ) download?

They are printed on special card, so one you print out may not be acceptable. There is also a unique number on each form, which allows them to verify you have left the country. Though I suppose you could fill it out and just have your parents copy the details over.

The US State department say
I-94W forms are free and often provided by travel agents, airlines or cruise ships prior to arrival.

You could also try the US embassy in Ballsbridge, though their information line is a premium rate number.

Update: I found a sample current immigration form and a PDF old form.
There's also a white customs form that will need to be completed. I have generally found the US immigration and customs officials to be friendly and helpful to people who need some assistance with filling out the forms.
There are normally a couple of staff at the top of the stairs to the US Immigration waiting area in Dublin who check your forms (the green one and the white one) before they let you join the queue to have your forms checked by the US immigration officials (the folks in the booth who stamp your passport, take your picture and fingerprint you).
The last few times I've flown, I got the forms at check-in, so if your folks check in early, they should be able to clear security, get a cup of tea and sit down to fill in the forms while still having time to buy some duty free before heading downstairs to Immigration.
Unfortunately you can't download them from the internet ahead of time. You only get the forms at check-in alright, but as the previous poster said, allow plenty of time ahead of the flight and accompany them to the airport to help them out if necessary.

There are also a couple of aiport staff who will help to ensure that forms are filled in correctly before you reach the immigration desks. Beware that the forms must be filled in full and correctly or else you will have to fill out an ew one over again.