Tyre Query_Forced to change Tyres


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This morning I had two punctures, I managed to get car to fast fit. Fast fit guys take off tyres and find where the punctures were.
I am then told that my tyres are now illegal in that the legal limit had been reached and that they were not in a position to repair the tyres, they could pump them again and let me off.

Knowing a bit about wear and tear of tyres, I looked at them and surveyed where the rubber mark was, in my opinion, yes the tyres were wearing but the tyres were not worn to an extent that they were illegal, I could still feel some thickness over the rubber track. Fast fit said no and said that I had no option but to get new tyres which i did.

Has anyone else had this problem? Is their opinion final?
Can I get a second opinion on the tyres from someone else?
Apologies, I'm unable edit the message. Fast fit said they could pump the tyres but as the leakage was so great, I would not have got as far as the gate.
Did you drive on tires at all ?

Driving on tires can punctured types can damage the structure.

It's possible that this may have been a bit of pressured marketing or a company looking after your safety. Go and get yourself a device to measure the depth of your treads (in Aldi for a few Euros last week) and familiarise yourself with the legal limits (1.6mm I believe). Then I would advise you to change your tyres if the tread is below 3mm as this has a huge impact on your braking distance, especially in wet conditions.

I was rear-ended last week by a young guy in an old car with tyres that were on the limit. If he had spent a few hundred euro on new tyres he wouldn't be facing the bill I just sent him and it could have been a lot worse.

Also, be sure to know what the correct tyre pressure is and check regularly; don't rely on the garage's pressure gauge, buy your own (a couple of euro in Aldi again).

By the way I don't have any link to an Tyre retail companies.

Good luck.
This morning I had two punctures, I managed to get car to fast fit. Fast fit guys take off tyres and find where the punctures were.
I am then told that my tyres are now illegal in that the legal limit had been reached and that they were not in a position to repair the tyres, they could pump them again and let me off.

Knowing a bit about wear and tear of tyres, I looked at them and surveyed where the rubber mark was, in my opinion, yes the tyres were wearing but the tyres were not worn to an extent that they were illegal, I could still feel some thickness over the rubber track. Fast fit said no and said that I had no option but to get new tyres which i did.

Has anyone else had this problem? Is their opinion final?
Can I get a second opinion on the tyres from someone else?

Would a ruler not prove that the depth of tread was legal or not?
Fast fit guy used his fingers which were covered in rubber gloves to measure the depth, he did not have a ruler to hand.

I used my hand to measure and argued that there was definitely more wear in the tyre before illegal depths were reached.

I fully appreciate that if my tyres were illegal, I would require new ones but it would appear one is not given the opportunity to shop around.

I would happily have signed a disclaimer confirming that fast fit advised (in their opinion) my tyres were illegal and that I choose not to purchase, therefore removing them from any potential legal action that may arise from the "illegal" tyres.
I was waiting for you to mention the tread indicator on the tyres themselves. That neither you or he mentioned it, suggests (no offense) that neither know how to check the tyre. besides by the time it gets to the point you can argue about it. Its definately needs changing legally depth or not. Probably the rubber itself had gone off itself. Grip must be dire. Especially if its two or more tyres.

If you had a spare you only needed one tyre fixed. You could buy a can of foam to get you a short distance. Or just a cheap tyre to get by. Let face it if you are driving around on tyres that bad, you're not too fussy about tyres.
I was waiting for you to mention the tread indicator on the tyres themselves. That neither you or he mentioned it, suggests (no offense) that neither know how to check the tyre. besides by the time it gets to the point you can argue about it. Its definately needs changing legally depth or not. Probably the rubber itself had gone off itself. Grip must be dire. Especially if its two or more tyres.

If you had a spare you only needed one tyre fixed. You could buy a can of foam to get you a short distance. Or just a cheap tyre to get by. Let face it if you are driving around on tyres that bad, you're not too fussy about tyres.


Knowing a bit about wear and tear of tyres, I looked at them and surveyed where the rubber mark was, in my opinion, yes the tyres were wearing but the tyres were not worn to an extent that they were illegal, I could still feel some thickness over the rubber track.
I don't think thats what he was talking about, but even if it was, its still time to change them if its that close to judge. What mileage and age were these tyres anyway.