Typo's in Mark Little's book "The New America"


Registered User
I'm half way through Mark Little's book and I find the number of typing errors very annoying. The book is riddled with them !! Even on the back cover they make a mistake : "He is the presenter the RTE programme Prime Time"
When I pay my money I expect quality. Surely they do a proof read or the equivalent of spellcheck ??
Am I being petty ?
Re: Typo's in "The New America"

I'm half way through Mark Little's book and I find the number of typing errors very annoying. .............
Am I being petty ?

No, I would find an excessive amount of typos in a book very annoying. Reading is something I do mostly for pleasure and to have the flow of words interupted would drive me nuts. I could cope with spelling mistakes but missing words would drive me mad.
Re: Typo's in "The New America"

What is the apostrophe for Dave?
Re: Typo's in "The New America"

Sorry, I was being facetious. It would also annoy the hell out of me.
Re: Typo's in "The New America"

I think factual inaccuracies are very annoying also. I'm currently reading Niall Stanage's book about the Obama campaign (he followed the campaign as a reporter). He has stated that Obama filed to form an exploratory committee for the presidency in mid-Jan 2008 when it was actually 2007. Surely an editor would have picked up on something like this? Fairly obvious mistake I would have thought. God I'm so pedantic!!! Enjoying the book generally though. Finding it a lot meatier that Carole Coleman's one.
Re: Typo's in "The New America"

You probably didn't pay €15 or more for his post, so is this relevant?
You could have borrowed it from your local library for nothing (or maybe €0.50 reservation/transfer fee). Did you not spot the typos on the cover when you were buying it? Maybe you could bring it back and claim that it's not fit for the purpose for which it was sold?
Re: Typo's in "The New America"

Received a Stephen Hawking book a number of years ago for a present. Think it was A Brief History of Time.

Started reading it, tough going after the first few pages. Got completely confused halfway through, paged back a bit - realised that there were 40 odd pages missing, just not there. Page 84 (say) is followed by page 125. I flicked through the rest of it and found a repeated section near the back as well (not 40 odd pages worth though).

Mind you - I had managed to read page 84, page 125 and was up around page 140 or so before I realised something was missing.......
Re: Typo's in "The New America"

You experienced a quantum relativistic effect: at a certain reading speed all the words blur into one and you seem to be absorbing and understanding the information but in actual fact it's all a load of twaddle.
Re: Typo's in "The New America"

I bought a a dictionary like that once. After the 'L's it started again with the 'A's.
Re: Typo's in "The New America"

I bought a a dictionary like that once. After the 'L's it started again with the 'A's.

That particular lexicographer obviously didn't know his This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language from his Langer
Re: Typo's in "The New America"

I didn't buy it.
Re: Typo's in "The New America"

You experienced a quantum relativistic effect: at a certain reading speed all the words blur into one and you seem to be absorbing and understanding the information but in actual fact it's all a load of twaddle.

I looked for it last night. Must be in a worm hole.
Re: Typo's in "The New America"

Loved the Ricky Gervais one about him:

"People say Ooh Stephen Hawking is a genius - he's not a genius he's pretentious: born in Kent and speaks with an American accent "

Re: Typo's in "The New America"

Whatever about being petty you are being inaccurate as "quality" is a noun (in English - it's anything you want in "American") and does not mean that something is "good". So, yes, you got quality, just the quality was of a lower standard than you wanted.
Re: Typo's in "The New America"

I take the points from RMELLY and Orga about my own poor spelling / grammer but I'm not a writer / novelist / journalist.
When I pay my money for a product I expect a certain standard. In the case of a book, i don't expect to see simple mistakes.
I was surprised by the number of mistakes in this book and it appears to me that it was "rushed out" and was not properly checked for errors.
But maybe i am being petty. I was just interested in what others who read the book thought.
Re: Typo's in "The New America"

I thought I defended you?