two names??


Registered User
A B Murphy is known as B Murphy and signs all documents as B Murphy. However, passport and driving licence is in name of A B Murphy.

Halifax have a problem with this in CC application. They want photo ID solely in name of B Murphy and such documentation does not exist.

Has anyone else experienced this?
Probably not of use for your immediate problem, but when you're getting your passport renewed you can get one that indicates your familiar name in addition to your 'proper' name. Depending on how long your passport has left to run, and how much you want the Halifax card, you could renew your passport early.

Would they accept your familiar name if you were able to show them multiple photo IDs (albeit of lower status than passport/driver's licence) in that name? What about work ID, society membership, CIE photo ID...?
These crowds (financial institutions) amuse me. My debit and credit cards have imprints on them that only barely connected with my official first and family names, despite a similar request as in original post.

My given and family names, for illustrative purposes are "Joseph" and "McGillicudy" and the familiar name used by family and friends is "Joe".

On a credit card this has been mangled to "mr j mcgi licudy" and a debit card says "j mc gillicu dy". So they seem to have one interpretation of name confirmation for customers and then choose to interpret it any way they like.
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I go by Dearg Doom but my passport says An Dearg Doom. All my accounts to date are opened under the name Dearg Doom but I've recently opened another and they have put it down as An Dearg Doom because that's what's on my passport and say that's what they have to do so because of anti-money laundering regulations. All well and good, but I can't link it in to my on line banking because the names are different and they say they can't change the name on either accounts. Brilliant.
Maybe I am missing something here, could AB Murphy not apply as AB Murphy instead of B Murphy. After all, it's a credit card so firstly you will rarely be asked to sign something because of Chip and PIN and secondly, on any checking that is done on signatures by the bank, they check against what was signed originally, not if it is in line with the name, as many peoples signatures are an illegible scribble anyway
Halifax made me open my regular saver account with them in my full name as on passport Gen X Y Zod. No other bank has made me include the middle name which I'm trying to drop. It might have just been the official applying his own idea of what was required.