Two bedroom apartment booked - ? extra people staying



We booked a two bedroom appartment for two weeks - paid occupancy supplement as presume appartment is suitable for 4 adults. Two friends can get flights for part of our holiday - just wondereing if anyone knows where we stand if they use the second bedroom - they cant stay the full two weeks and we have paid the supplement on the appartment. Has anyone else done this?
fireman sam - are you just two people booking ?
If so, then there should be no problem with an extra two in the other bedroom....except.... there may be hotel/apt laws that require each persons name to be registered for local police or fire regulations, though i doubt these are rarely enforced if they exist at all.

Your question is slightly different from the one posed in the thread previously quoted where Hillsalt wished to accommodate extra people in one hotel room. Your accommodation seems to have ample space for four -go for it.