TV3 Xpose interview with Tom Cruise - cringe!!!


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By accident (honest) I caught the start of this interview and couldn't believe how cringe worthy it was. Tom Cruise enters some building and walks directly the woman from Xpose whose first words to him are "You complete me". I thought I'd misheard and assumed it must have been a famous line from one of his cheesier films. Cringe or what.
I thought the interview with Ryan Tubridy was similar last night insofar as they both appeared to be treading on eggshells along with the actress. The whole atmosphere with these things is so false Just as well they didn't have a sofa
Television is showbusiness, nothing more and those looking in should be aware of such.

Those appearing on television seldom watch it and believe that the medium is there for their admiration (and earnings). The presenters and those appearing are well media trained and know how to maximise their public appearances.

. . . but the braindead need heroes . . .
I love the way Tom Cruise finds anything remotely funny the funniest thing he's ever hear.