Tv3 and those td perks again


Registered User
With the situation in greece so dire I am surprised that TD's are not making a small effort to rein in their obscene expenses or is it a case, make hay while the sun shines.

I give it 12 months before the TROIKA put the boot it but sooner would be better.

How can these people sleep at night.

im sure they sleep very well at night, don't they earn every penny they get god love them ....after all its the dole dodgers and the black economy that has the country ruined!!!, noting to do with our wonderfull TDs
TV3? TD perks?

NOAH.... come on, you really do need to rant a little more in your posts so we all know whats on your mind
I know, I watched the TV3 programme midweek, well the first part, the thrust of the argument was our brave politicians that we elect based on what they promised us ie we will change all that carry on for the better but no sooner are they in and they behave exactly like the previous crowd ie they screw us left right and centre ala unvouched expenses, attendance allowances, ironing allowances, 2 coffee machines because canteen is not close enough. However, all this largesse is at our expense and no one can do anything about it.

We are no better than greece and my worry is we will ALL pay a terrible price if we dont get someone in the public office to stand up and say this is not right, people starving and we are milking the system dry , it HAS TO STOP.