TV Screen in contact with Fridge Magnet


Registered User
My two year old decided to rub a fridge magnet up and down the screen of my TV this morning. As a result, the picture is now ruined. Can anyone let me know if this is something that can be repaired or am I looking at buying a new set? Any advice at all is welcome.
There's usually a degauss button on the TV that helps remove magnetic memories.
Thanks Squonk,

Thats very interesting!

I googled degauss and got this question:

[broken link removed]

My four-year-old son was fooling around with a magnet, and when I was turned away, put it right on our TV screen. I then saw him doing this, and before I could bring myself to think consequences, we were both mollified by the amazing and colorful patterns it created on the screen. He sort of moved it around the screen, like you would an eraser on a black board. Well, when he removed the magnet, the screen had been drained of its normally saturated colors, and what we now have left is a color TV with only three colors, basically green, blue, and red. And they are not solid and deep like they were before. They are rather faded, and arranged in three distinct blotches, if you will. Are we stuck with this situation forever, or will this aberration fade with time, back to normal? And, why did this happen?

Your son has magnetized the shadow mask that's located just inside the screen of your color television. It's a common problem and one that can easily be fixed by "degaussing" the mask (It'll take years or longer to fade on its own, so you're going to have to actively demagnetize the mask).

You can have it done professionally or you can buy a degaussing coil yourself and give it a try (Try a local electronics store or contact MCM Electronics, (800) 543-4330, 6" coil is item #72-785 for $19.95 and 12" coil is item #72-790 for $32.95).

I had a similar, though less severe problem before due to speakers being too close to a TV. Was advised to turn off and unplug the TV for a little while, then plug back in and turn on. This apparently triggers an automatic degauss in some sets.