TV Licence Database


Registered User
Does anyone know how the TV Licence people get your data. I have been forwarded my post from a previous address and included in it is this "Statutory Declaration". It asks various type of qustions, do you have a Television Licence, is there a TV Licence at this address, is there a television reception aerial, are these premises connected to a communal aerial.....

The reason I am asking is that I want to know how they got my details. I shared a house with two other girls one of whom held a Licence in her name and when we all moved out, she took the TV Licence with her to her new address.

The new residents have obviously not got a TV Licence, that is their own business, but what I want to know is how the TV people got my name, when I have not lived at that address for over six months.

The only thing I can think of is that I had the bin(kept in front of the house) in my name with a sticker from the County Council on it. If the TV Licence person called and got no answer, could he have just written my name down from the sticker? and if so, is this legal. I really cannot think of any other way.

Am I entitled to know where they got my details from? Do I have to fill in this Statutory Declaration thing.

I am currently living with my sister, so I assume her TV Licence covers me. Has anyone else ever got one of these Statutory Declarations and what is the best way to deal with it. I really dont like getting these "legal" type notices, when I have done nothing wrong ie, you MUST fill this in and return it within fourteen days and failure to complete this declaration form....could result in prosecution"

Any advice please.
Could they have obtained your details from the electoral register?

I am currently living with my sister, so I assume her TV Licence covers me.
If it's a single household with one or more TVs and a TV license then there's no problem.
Thats probably how they got the info. With me moving house and all the legalities I am probably getting paranoid!!!

I think I will just send the Statutory Declaration back with "not at this address" and send a copy to the old address to remind them to get it sorted.

If that statutory declaration was a legal document, surely it should have been sent by registered post though.

The old address may have a tv licence anyway. When myself and my boyfriend moved into our house I transferred my licence to the new address. When that expired my boyfriend got the new licence in his name, same address, but I constantly got those threatening letters from the tv licence people even though they had called to the house and had seen the valid licence.

I kept filling out the forms and eventually the letters stopped although having said that there'll probably be another letter waiting for me this evening!
some people have also claimed they have access to SKY/Chorus/NTL records etc but I am not sure of that.
Is it possible that an post simply read the name and address from other (possibly junk) mail delivered to your old address?
legend99 said:
some people have also claimed they have access to SKY/Chorus/NTL records etc but I am not sure of that.
I doubt that these companies would divulge such commercially sensitive information as a matter of course. In addition there may be data protection issues in sharing such information with others.
ClubMan said:
I doubt that these companies would divulge such commercially sensitive information as a matter of course. In addition there may be data protection issues in sharing such information with others.

people on have claimed they got a TV licence demand a few days after signing up to idea if the events were connected.

On a related matter. here in work they have a TV that they use for conference calls to the US......i don't think they have a licence...i am assuming that even though they are not connected to an aerial or have TV reception that it doesn't long as you have a physical TV set that works when you switch it on that you need a licence?
If you can recieve radio signals you need a licence, this includes arials (and presumably iron content in blood).
Have you ever bought a TV? Anyone who sells TV sets at retail is obliged to make a return including your name and address.

I don't know if it applies to Sky/NTL etc as the 1972 Act refers to televsion dealers and seems to define that as relating to physical sales and lettings of TV's but maybe there has been some subsequent legislation relating to Sky/NTL.

I think any legislation in this respect would override any Data protection issues.
dam099 said:
Have you ever bought a TV? Anyone who sells TV sets at retail is obliged to make a return including your name and address.
Are you sure about that? Last time I bought a TV I never gave my personal details to the retailer (Power City).
ClubMan said:
Are you sure about that? Last time I bought a TV I never gave my personal details to the retailer (Power City).

Its in the 1972 , maybe it has been repealed?

I heard about this some time ago (little bit of research at brought up the relevant legislation) and at the same time was told that the whole notion of detector vans was a myth that this is where they were really finding out about people without licences.