TV/DVD combi - good or bad


Registered User
I am thinking of buying a TV DVD combi and was wondering if they are reliable. Also what would be a good make (must have saorview).
Never fancied that combo at all, if dvd develops a fault and has to go for repair, you have no tv. PVR (personal video recording) set top boxes have built in hard-drive are the way to go and sooo convenient.
We have a TV/DVD unit on the wall in the kitchen. Having a seperate DVD player would have made a mess.

I wouldn't opt for one as the main TV, only where there's a limitation on having seperate units.
We have a TV/DVD unit on the wall in the kitchen. Having a seperate DVD player would have made a mess.

I wouldn't opt for one as the main TV, only where there's a limitation on having seperate units.

Same here.

Is it still the case also that the DVD will only be a player and not recorder combined?
+1. When they're combined you tend not to get a really good TV or DVD set. Great for a second room (Kitchen, Bedroom, Kids Room) but not for the main house TV or DVD.
I basically want the tv and dvd player for the kitchen but as Tarfhead said I dont want a mess with cables. I have viewed a Normende 19" tv/dvd combi for 189euro. I just want the dvd to play and not record. This tv also comes with saorview so no need for a set box.

It has all the requirements I want. I have not heard of Normende before and am concerned about picture quality and reliability.
Nordmende are a German brand best known for (fairly good quality) white goods and appliances.

If you google the exact model of the TV and the word "review" you'll get good feedback.
I have viewed a Normende 19" tv/dvd combi for 189euro

I'd very much doubt this is saorview compatible but if you could post the model number we'd have a better idea. Sorry ignore me, misread your post I see you already confirmed it has saorview. I'm surprised as any normende I've seen in shops are old stock been cleared.
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