TV channel provider for apartment


Registered User
I am just moving into a new build in Dublin. I want to get TV sorted out. SKY is out of the question as dishes not allowed. Apparently there is a digital provider for the area but was talking to the management company and all the residants that subscribe at the moment are complaining about the service. They are now in the processes of looking for another provider.

I have been onto NTL numerous times to be given the run around as I a) don't have an account (!!!!?) and b) the digital service is not available in the area so my address doesn't come up on there data base?

Anyone any suggestions?? Other than wait and see that the management company come up with- that could take ages and I don't think I could handle Christmas with out some sort of TV other than the 3 on arial!!!
You probably have no other option than the current provider.

A development I used to live in had a cable operator that were entitled to be the sole provider until the developer handed over the site to the management company. NTL couldn't provide is with service, other than MMDS, which was not allowed for the same reason as Sky (antennae).
Hi Swally,

Yep, I'm afraid that some developers in recent times have opted for TV providers based on either a cheaper install or a kickback from the subscriber numbers. From ntl's point of view they simply won't have cabled the location as they were not the chosen provider so no blame can be laid at their door. In my experience (and I used to be involved in the cable industry) if sufficient residents kick up, the management company will eventually consider another operator. The problem is that a retrospective cable fit out is usually too expensive or not operationally feasible. Furthermore, the cable type used by other operators may be designed for data foremost (Cat6) as opposed to Co-Ax and the likes of ntl may have problems with cable signal leakage etc......Are you in a position to mention the current provider and maybe I and others may be able to offer more advice ?

r2d2 said:
In my experience (and I used to be involved in the cable industry) if sufficient residents kick up, the management company will eventually consider another operator.

This was not the case in my former development-the developer still had control of the development and the management company could not ask for a cable provider to come in and provide a service unilaterally-when the developer hands over the site, it is then up to the residents/owners. NTL indicated that they would be perfectly willing to provide service when the developer handed over control.
at the moment the current provider is asking (or demanding) €400 per apartment for installation!!!!. The management company is trying to find out exactly who owns the cables. I am not paying €400, when most other providers only charge approx. €100. Going to try and hang in there for the moment and pray it's sorted before Christmas.