Turning 66 this year, A1 contributions for Contributory Pensions


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I will be 66 in June 2022, will my PRSI contributions paid for period, January to May 2022, count towards my overall PRSI, for the State contributory pension?


Interesting question!

My understanding is that although they weren't reckonable under the old system they are under the new Total Contibutions Approach. But I may be wrong!

I'll have a look at the relevant Operational Guideline and revert.
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Is that because contributions in the year in which one turns 66 were not counted? I wasn't aware of that.


Here's the relevant part of the OG:-
The standard yearly average test
Maximum rate of pension is payable where a person has a "yearly average" of at least 48.
The yearly average is the average number of full-rate contributions paid and/or credited per year over the period from 1953 or from the year of starting insurable employment, if later, to the end of the tax year before reaching pension age (66)."

But the TCA refers to "Social Insurance Contributions (PRSI) paid while working." - there's no mention of the year end prior to the 66th birthday being the cut-off date.