Thanks very much for your help. If only Revenue would make it as simple as you have. Can you explain something to me, what is the difference between P.A.Y.E. Tax Credits and Personal Tax Credits. I expect to be continuing to pay P.R.S.I. until I am 66. Should that credit show on the certificate. The Services Charges credit doesn't show either. If I was on a social welfare pension I would be exempt from service charges etc. and have the 34,000 tax exemption, naturally. As I will be still paying income and p.r.s.i. and will not have a social welfare pension I thought I woud be entitled to the credit over and above the standard exemption.
Standard Tax Credits. as they appear on my Tax Certificate.
Personal Tax Credits, 3260.00 + PAYE Tax Credit 2,980.00 + Age Tax Credit 500.00 + Service Charge 39.00 = Total Gross Tax Credits 6779.00.
65 and over Tax Credits. as they appear on my New Tax Certificate.
Exemption 6,8000
Gross Tax Credits = 6.800. aka exemption.
Difference. E21 a year