Tunnel dweller at Rath Lugh


Registered User
Just wondering about peoples opinions on the girl in the tunnel at Rath Lugh. While I think that the new motorway should have been routed differently I cant help hoping she is simply left there until it gets really cold and wet and her food runs out and in the meantime do work elsewhere so she is not put in danger. This is my gut instinct(and I am feeling quite guilty about it) so what do people think?
I am not talking about the rights or wrongs of the motorway itself which is a much bigger issue.
If you are not making a point about the motorway issue itself, I don't really understand what point you are making.

Unless I've missed something, she is there by choice.
Food, water & shelter are available to her whenever she wants - I don't see it as her 'being left there'. Why would the workers or developers care?

Am I missing something?
Nothing to worry about, she'll be leaving the tunnel on Tuesday morning to sign on at the bru
I dont understand why she's not been arrested. She must be breaking the law somewhere. Whether you agree or not with the road is not the issue here.
Darn hippies.
she's chained herself to the car jack that's holding up the tunnel so she can't be arrested - just wait till Friday night when they all head down to the local pub or as previously suggested they all leave camp on a Tuesday to collect the dole! - I reckon sneak up there at night, throw some food down the hole and release a load of rats - that'll get her out fairly sharpish!
Its so sad that there is criticism for someone standing up for their values whether you share them or not. So few young people care about anything these days.
Its so sad that there is criticism for someone standing up for their values whether you share them or not. So few young people care about anything these days.

What really annoys me about these Krusties (?) is they are quite happy to use the courts but if they lose, they ignore it as if it never happened. If the governenment/NRA behaved in the same fashion we'd never hear the end of it from them.

While I don't think they should be denied access to the courts, I do think they should abide by it's decisions.
If the governenment/NRA behaved in the same fashion we'd never hear the end of it from them.

The govt / NRA gets away with too much sometimes. ( I am not talking about our elected representatives spending 1400 a night on oversea paddies days junkets ). There have been cases on the NRA takiing private property by "CPO" ( Compulsory Purchase Order ) for the building of roads, and only giving the property owner years later HALF what the property was worth ( compared to an exact same size piece of property sold at public auction right next door to the CPO'd land - the auction being within a few months of the date the Borough council look the land ).
There are causes that are worth putting your lives in danger for, but this is not one of them. I think its a totally irresponsible thing to do. She should go and live in a country where human rights are being seriously abused and she might get a sense of perspective.
After this protest is over the majority of the protesters will move on to another worthy cause I'm sure! - most are up from Rossport, before that I'd dare say there were a few of them down at Carrickmines or some other 'eco protest'. I'm not crazy about the motorway taking the route it is taking and I don't think a lot of people in the area are totally happy with it but the fact is it's going ahead. What really really gets under my skin is the professional protesters a lot of whom are paid to protest, who flit from fight to fight all the while claiming the dole and putting lives in danger including those of the workers on the site!. The ordinary residents who actually don't want the motorway in the area do not want to be associated with these professionals and/or the methods they employ. Unfortunately because of twats like that girl in the tunnel when people hear about opposition to the motorway they immediately picture the hippies and don't want to even listen to the arguments.

rant over
Like Shannon?
[broken link removed]
Well the point I was trying to make was that (badly it would seem) was that notwithstanding that I think siting the road where it is was the wrong decision nonetheless I had no sympathy with yer wan( who goes by the name 'Squeak') and that instead of making a fuss about her she should be ignored and left there and she would come up soon enough and I did/do feel marginally guilty about my attitude. However as the majority of posters thus far seem to take a similar view(without the guilt) I no longer feel guilty so Happy Paddys DAy wekend to all,
I read that "yer wan" / Lisa Feeney / Squeak has enough supplies for 2 months - wonder if that includes a toilet? Depending on how long that chain she apparently has around her neck is, it could get very messy in there! I've no sympathy for her.
Wow, not too many earth-loving, tree-hugging, pot-smoking, leftie-leaning children of the '60s on AAM
I think the sad thing is that there is a girl is standing up for what's right and proper, putting her life at risk for something she believes in.
It shouldn't just be her in that hole it should be all of us, fighting for what's right.
Something very important, our heritage.
People all over the world are disgusted by what the Irish govt are doing.
It's not just a stupid road, its the way this was steam-rolled over everybody without proper thought or consideration for anybody.
I'm sure that just over 92 years ago here in Ireland there were people saying the same things as some of the posters.
I'm sure its just a case of, 'I'm all right Jack'.

I for one am very proud of what that girl is doing if there were more like her this country would not be in such a shambles.
Where is our sense of outrage when this govt has decided to bulldoze a path through national monuments?
As the line goes in the song, "I need a hero", well we have one but she's stuck in a hole doing something that needs doing.
I think the construction company should fill in the tunnel -

this would mean:
1. no delay to the road building,
2. the construction company doesn't need quite so much back fill, (roughly saving on a person sized amount of back fill)
3. Squeak gets to be a truer martyr to her cause,
4. the hippies get something to complain about,
5. it is environmentally friendly as the amount of energy expended by 1 person in a Western country will be saved each year for the next 60 years or so and will aid Ireland reaching the Kyoto targets. (One might argue that it is a form of carbon offsetting for the motorway).
6. it might become a tourist attraction - and add to the general mystique of the Tara area.

There is no down side...
Its so sad that there is criticism for someone standing up for their values whether you share them or not. So few young people care about anything these days.
Surely this should read "lying/sitting down for her values" unless it's a six feet diameter one.
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Heard Squeak's friend on the radio. like a caricature straight out of a Ross O'Carroll Kelly book.