TSA Padlocks for US Hols?

Round Tuit

Registered User
Anyone know where I could get one of these approved luggage padlocks, local to Dublin if possible? Great Outdoors website shows an approved brand, but not the specifically approved locks.
I remember doing a search on google for them before, do you need them in a hurry? This crowd ships internationally and sell them for $9.99 (not sure what postage is though).
[broken link removed]
Hope this helps.
Fly out on the 15 of this month - is that in a hurry?

I'll have a look at that site thanks Moneypit.
Why are you bothering locking your baggage? If someone wants to break in to your luggage they will easily break the padlock. i never lock my bags and have never had a problem.
Why are you bothering locking your baggage? If someone wants to break in to your luggage they will easily break the padlock. i never lock my bags and have never had a problem.

There has been a lot of press recently about things going missing from people's suitcases on the way home from the States, hence the popularity in these TSA locks.
... just to add to the horror stories - flying back from NY via JFK and had digital camera lifted from suitcase as well as several bottles of wine .. so my advice is to keep all valuables in carry-on luggage - i had to make a last minute change to baggage and put the camera in the main suitcase by accident - won't be doing that again ...
Reporting back after weekend shopping - found the TSA approved lock in the Lowe Alpine shop in Temple Bar for E9.50. The reason I like to lock my bags is as I've also heard all the horror stories & I just think even if it's not the strongest padlock in the world the thief might take the easier prey. I've also seen the lost/left behind luggage lying around certain airports for anyone to nose around if they like. so anyway, I'm happier & that's what matters.
even if it's not the strongest padlock in the world the thief might take the easier prey

Alternatively, they'll wonder what's so valuable that you had to padlock it. Besides, isn't the point of these locks that the TSA (and whoever else) have master keys?