Trying to track down more pension fund info


Registered User
I have access to a number of funds through my DC plan. The fees, on all funds, are low at less than 0.5%. However I dont seem to be able to get info on the details of the funds outside of the fact sheets they provide. Is that normal? Two of the high risk options are the "Mercer Passive Global Equity Partial Hedge" and the "Aspire High Growth Portfolio"

There doesnt seem to be reference numbers etc. I can look up outside of the portal. For example, for the passive fund its goal is described as "It has a long-term objective of matching a composite benchmark, gross of charges." But I dont know what that benchmark is. The High growth portfolio has a target: "This portfolio’s long-term objective is a cash return plus 4.5% to 5.5% per annum, gross of charges, with a target volatility of less than 25%. This is not guaranteed." which seems a little on the low side?