Trying to save course work


Registered User
I am currently doing an online course and want to save it on CD or memory stick - so that I will stilll have the information when the course is over.When I try to save it ,I have to go back online to access the material and I want to be able to use it off line.What can I do??
If it's just text, you could copy/paste into Word. For full pages etc., you could print the pages to a pdf or a microsoft document image and then save these.
No idea how to do any of these things .......!!!!!Could anyone explain how I could change it to Word document and then save it???
Hi Oneway
  • Depress the CTRl key. Then hold down the A key. This will highlight the document for you.
  • Hold down the CTRL key and the C key. This will copy the page.
  • Then, open up your word document. Click into the page.
  • Then, hold down the CTRl and V key. This will paste the document for you.
  • Save your document on your memory key.