Trying to obtain copy of RTE programme


Registered User
I am looking for a VHS Copy of a programme that was aired on RTE 2 last night called Take Two: Planespotting. It was a profile of Darby Kennedy. I contacted RTE Library by email and their response was: "RTÉ Television Libraries and Archives is currently unable to process your research due to a large volume of enquiries from members of the public at this time. RTÉ Television Libraries and Archives hopes to re-instate the service in the coming months and would advise you to re-submit your request at a later date."I am trying to get this for a family member – it would mean a lot to them. Has anyone got any other ideas how I may get it?
Hi Keth
Thanks for your reply. I feared that I may be banging my head off a brick wall.
I wanted it for my mother. She is going to be really dissapointed.
I'll keep trying anyway.
Hi I got a copy of an old one. Ring up the front desk and give them a sob story about how yur mother would really love a copy for her birthday and give them a date about a month away so theres plenty of time. Sob story worked for me. Good luck.