TRS (Tax Relief at Source) Filling on line, Working in North



Recently ive just got the first payment of my mortgage, yesterday in the post i recieved 2 TRS forms to be completed and sent back.
Firstly i was just wondering is it easier\quicker to fill these in online ? Has anyone done this ?
And secondly i was wondering does my finaceé qualify for TRS, shes from Northern Ireland originally but living with me in the Republic, however shes still working in the North ? Shes has a PPS number from a previous job in the south a number of years ago !
Re: Trs

I tried the online TRS form - it didn't work.
When the TRS wasn't beeing credited to our account I rang them up and they said that they had never got anything via the website. It takes a few months to kick in, but from my experience I would suggest filling in the paper form.

Not sure about your second question, but I would assume that if you're not a current PAYE worker here then you can't apply......I might be wrong though!
Not at all. Any one can claim TRS, even non-taxpayers such as artists, etc