Hi MikeySligo
Good Luck with the self build.
Re TRS, to work out for yourself;
Total borrowed (what you have currently owe to bank not what total agreed mtg is) x %interest (what your interest rate is) x 20% divide total by 12, that should give you monthly trs. I think the 20% is for married couples, not sure for single persons?
You can do this when amt borrowed changes with each draw down.
Though I think Revenue only calculates this in Jan every year, so it will not change when you make the next draw down if it is within the year,iykwim?
Revenue calculate this automatically every year, you do not have to reapply etc.
yes, let them know you are married.
Re further funds required, this happened to us, with ptsb, it is a pain in the bum though we got further funds. However took lots of paperwork from Engineer, quotes, etc they want to know why you overran and what it will cost to complete. I was told as far as they are concerned it looks bad that funds are out before build complete, how can they trust you'll do it with x amount of extra money.
When we applied for our mtg initially EVERYONE in the business and outside of it told us to ask for way more than you need, even if you never draw it down, it is easier in the long run than asking for more money.
However, we got the money, house finished but it was a headache that we could have done without.
Maybe things have changed now, hope someone else can offer better advice.