Hi again
I have more details. I've checked with my husband and he doesn't remember applying for TRS, although he thought he filled in all the forms like this (Life Insurance and Mortgage Tax Relief etc) when applying for our new mortgage.
However, we're still unsure whether or not we're both getting TRS as the cut-off ceilings are confusing online.
The Revenue website says the ceiling for a single FTB was €800 and changed to €1600 in the January budget.
However the form he downloaded today (TRS1) states on its attached notes that the ceiling is €4000 for a single FTB.
€133.33 (€8K @ 20% / 12 months) is the maximum rate of relief for a single FTB.
Presuming that the revenue have listed the ceiling incorrectly (the muppets), this would indicate that the figure of €133.33 is TRS for BOTH of us. Right?
That is - €4000 each meaning that we HAVE both applied for (and are getting) TRS.
However, the €133 has only been coming into our joint account since January. We're applying for backdated TRS for the outstanding period.
Anymore advice much appreciated (but no guesswork please as we have enough of that here at home.)