A few years ago I took out a small additional mortgage for home inprovements etc. It was for 25k over 15 years. I pay about 170/month for it with about 10 years left. I was told at the time I couldn't claim TRS for this as I was claiming it on my main mortgage. I am just wondering if that is correct as I always get the interest cert annualy. It came in recently and was around 450 euro for 2009.
A few years ago I took out a small additional mortgage for home inprovements etc. It was for 25k over 15 years. I pay about 170/month for it with about 10 years left. I was told at the time I couldn't claim TRS for this as I was claiming it on my main mortgage. I am just wondering if that is correct as I always get the interest cert annualy. It came in recently and was around 450 euro for 2009.