TRS - Married Couple


Registered User

I have trawled through the website containing TRS info, but haven't come across a thread similar to my query.

We are married, mortgage is in my name only. Other half is not working. Would I be entitled to around the €66 per month?

Took out mortgage in July, first payment was the end of August. I/we were first time buyers and the price of the house was 230,000 and we got a 92% fixed 1 year mortgage on that amount. Can't remember the interest rate, think it was 4.1% <ashamed icon>


As far as I know only individuals named on the mortgage documentation qualify for TRS. I could be wrong though. If this is the case then it may be possible to add your spouse to avail of the additional relief. However this may involve additional mortgage protection life assurance cover.
Just checked with my sister ....

She was a single gal with her own house & mortgage and then she found love & got married. Her name continued to be the only one on the mortgage but she was able to claim the married rate of tax relief. I think the max is €133.33 at the moment.
Wow that is really good, thanks Netopia. I still can't believe you get that much back each month.
Well it depends on how much ur payment is, thats the absolute max, at present my mortgage is €865 a month and my husband & I get €102 relief
Mortgage is €1008, I am delighted, bringing it under 1k makes it look a lot
As a first time buyer your relief will be 20% of the interest up to €8000 which is a max of €1600 per annum. The mortgage does not have to be in both names for you to claim the married bit, they are happy with PPS numbers.
FTB relief lasts 7 years before dropping back to 20% of €5000 ...