TRS Form


Registered User

Ive been informed by experts on this discussion board previously that the Mortgage Tax Relief at Source - is available for the FIRST 7 years at the First Time Buyers allowance.

i.e. Had a house for 2 years.
Moved area, sold house, rented, and just recently bought new house.

Logic = 7 -2 = 5 years remaining on the rates for first time buyers.

About to fill out the TRS forms, and there is no-where to state its a continuation of the first 7 years...
i.e. it states, have you previously had a house loan.
If we say Yes - then that makes us second-time buyers

How do we fill in the form to "continue" on the 7 years???

Form appears to only be first loan OR second loan.

I've asked relevent personnel in the bank, and no good response.

Thanks in advance.
If necessary just add a note explaining your history of PPR ownership and "FTB" rate TRS claims and stating that you believe that you have 5 years of "FTB" rate relief left.
I filled out another TRS recently as I changed mortgage product (same bank) and just ticked that this wasn't my first home loan and put in the date of the first home loan correctly (i.e. 5 years ago, in my case). I don't believe the "first home loan" question is the key one, it's the date you fill in for the actual first home loan you got. That said, Revenue hasn't gotten back to me yet - will let you know if they had problems with my approach.
