Ive been informed by experts on this discussion board previously that the Mortgage Tax Relief at Source - is available for the FIRST 7 years at the First Time Buyers allowance.
i.e. Had a house for 2 years.
Moved area, sold house, rented, and just recently bought new house.
Logic = 7 -2 = 5 years remaining on the rates for first time buyers.
About to fill out the TRS forms, and there is no-where to state its a continuation of the first 7 years...
i.e. it states, have you previously had a house loan.
If we say Yes - then that makes us second-time buyers
How do we fill in the form to "continue" on the 7 years???
Form appears to only be first loan OR second loan.
I've asked relevent personnel in the bank, and no good response.
Thanks in advance.