Trouble with Bonsai tree

Registered User
A bonsai of ours is withering, even though we've kept it watered etc?

If this a death knell for it?


- first try and scratch the base of various pieces of the outer skin lightly - if this has green beneath it's still live
- then check the pot that its in and make sure its not pot bound - the whole point of bonsai is to ensure that it is kept dwarf - this possible requirement for root pruning or repotting will ensure that it gets its food and nutrients
- ensure its in a good place of light in a south facing window; where it also does not get hit by a warm/ cold draft
- ensure its not sitting in old water - large bowls beneath the pot sometimes do this
- either way change the compost - an old 'john innes' compost will do fine available from any garden centre
- when watering fill the sink with enough water to come half way up the pot and leave for one-three hours refilling the water as you go - then sit on the draining board to free drain
answer some of these and let me know how you get on. the question is slightly vague but these are the usual checks

I have the same problem with my new bonsai.

I got a bonsai for my birthday two weeks ago, and it was lovely and green and healthy looking. Now, half the leaves are yellow and if I brush against it, there is a shower of dry, brittle leaves from the tree.
I water it every day, and never let the soil dry out.

I'll try the checks Oirish. Since it's only 2 weeks old, I dont think I should have to repot it yet. Is it important to leave it in sunlight? I have it in the shade, since I dont want it to get roasted.
the 'book' should say semi sun ie full sun but not too strong - south facing kitchen window is usually good ie stemy window lights kettles etc. but remember this is supposed to be a tropical-ish/esque environment for it so misting the leaves and cutting them inhalf to reduce transpiration [ie. keep it dwarf - ie bonsai]

keep me posted!
Could it be possible that they are being overwatered ?

I have bonsais (Serissa and Chinese Elm) and I wouldn't water them every day and often they will go dry for a day or two before I get around to water them.

(I know some other house plants of mine where the leaves go yellow if overwatered but not sure if this would apply to bonsais)

the yellowing is usually a 'chlorosis' the variety of which will tell what food it is lacking/ a nutrient element deficiency ie. in my mammys terms it needs new compost! not miracle grow/ tomato feed?!!

The test to 'how much water' is to get a tea bag after you make a cup of tea and press the tea bag up against the side of the cup - just before you go to throw it on the green waste heap press your fingers against it - Not saturated but you could squeeze a bit of tea out of it...

enjoy the sunshine!

ps keep it coming we might just make the longest thread on bonsai's
"ps keep it coming we might just make the longest thread on bonsai's"

Boys and their Bonsais
Nevermind....if they die then perhaps there will be enough timber yield for some dolls house furniture!
how about build the dolls house out of recycled plastic and..... put a [live] tree in the dolls front garden?!! eh..?!

*securitydoor - i'd love/ hate to see your garden?!?

**sorry suellen

[ps another thread?!!]
Thanks for the replys on this. But it appears it's too late for ours.

Sadly, I laid Bonsai to rest tonight....Sunflowers are the next project.