Trouble starting computer


Registered User
I'm not very knowledgeable in computers so please excuse this layman's language to describe this problem.

In the last few days I've encountered a recurring problem when trying to run my computer. Prior to this, everything has been working fine.
Now every time my 6+ years old Dell Dimension desktop which uses Windows XP is switched on, there's been a black screen which announces that there's Invalid Configuration Information: please run SET-UP program.
It then says it is performing automatic IDE configuration

After a short pause, it reads that the time of day is not set - please run the SET-UP program
F1 to continue; F2 to run SET-UP utility.
I have tried to reset the time using both the SET-UP utility and the date & time facility in the Windows XP control panel.
The time will change but after the computer is shut down and restarted at a later time, the same problem occurs again - black screen; time not set, computer wont start in Windows until time is sorted.
It always seems to revert to exactly the same time - a date in 2002.

I tried to do a System Restore to about two months ago but the computer said the system restore could not be made.
I dont know if it is relevant but the computer was not used for approx four weeks within that time.
This problem presents itself everytime the computer has been switched on since not being used for the four weeks.

Does this sound like a common problem? Is there anything else I should try to help fix this? Does someone know of a link to where fixing this problem is discussed?
Some help would be wonderful.
Thanks guys.
The BIOS / clock battery on the mother-board has run down. It will need to be changed.
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Your motherboard battery is dead.

It's a battery on the motherboard (inside the pc) that looks like a big watch battery.
Hey thanks guys.
I never would have even considered something like that.
I'll definitely take a look in to that.
I hope that's it is as simple and as inexpensive as it sounds!
I really appreciate all your help.
I'm back to say that I followed your advice and I sorted out the problem and all is working fine again.

Big big thanks to all you guys, for taking the time and sharing your helpful advice, especially in such simple terms, which is exactly what I needed!

Brilliant advice from this forum which has helped me out many times.