Trouble Neighbours HELP



Hi I'm having trouble with my neighbours who live in a rented house. They are constantly fighting and i mean in the house and out on the road. I need advice as the guards say they can't do anything and I don't know who owns the house. Has anyone any advice on what I can do.
Hi Jessie,

Welcome to AAM.

Sorry to hear you are having problems with your neighbours. A read of the key post on Neighbours might give some advice. Its not satisfactory for the Gardai to say that they cannot do anything and you should call in person to the station and make an appointment to see the Community Garda who looks after this type of thing. He/she should be able to give you some advice.

If you have a look at the register (Tenancy Registration) on you can look for the address and see if your landlord is registered with them. Either way you should give them a call and see what advice they can provide. If you can get some of the other neighbours involved it might help also.

This previous thread might be of interest also. If you run the search option either in this forum or the full board I'm sure there are others related to noisy neighbours and how to trace the landlord.

Hope things work out well for you.
Thanks for your replies.

Have been in touch with the landlord before, his friend owns a house in the same estate and she got him to call me, so don't have his number, anyway, we told him what was going on (the front door has been kicked in on numerous occasions and the guards are constantly up) but he doesn't care as long as he is getting his money from the Social Welfare every month for the rent. He said he was going to call to the house to talk to them but he hasn't. Tried the PTRB but he is not registered and they told us to get in touch with the garda. Went to them and they said they would call down and see the couple (The fella is well known to the garda) but nothing came of it. They also know the landlord and said they would contact him but that was four weeks ago and there has been no sign of him. I can't take anymore of this I have a young child who is constantly being woken by screaming and fighting. As for the other neighbours they are as fed up with all this but I think they are afraid of any comeback.
JessieB said:
Tried the PTRB but he is not registered

As a matter of interest did they say what they intend doing about this?

Have you raised the matter with one of your local councillors - elections comin' up and all that type of stuff?
Can you give us a generalised location of these problematic tennats please?
redo said:
Can you give us a generalised location of these problematic tennats please?

In light of the nature of the problem and the concerns issued it would be best not to provide the location IMHO.
How about trying the Social Welfare. If they are paying the rent they must have some responsibility for the tennants. If they cut the payments the landlord won't be too happy.
There is a form on the PRTB websire where you can report an unregistered address, they then contact the landlord and ensure that they register.

You can also involve them in mediation between yourselves and the landlord if all other avenues have failed in resolving a 3rd party dispute.

Basically it costs 25 euro to register a complaint and in this respect they will contact the the landlord to discuss their obligation that 'surrounding dwellings are not subject to anti social behaviour' and also that tenants do not engage in anti social behaviour or harrass or intimidate anyone.

The community garda officer in the area might be worth talking to as I know of a case recently in our town where between the landlord and the PRTB, some really troublesome tenants were evicted.
Thanks for all your replies.

The PRTB haven't been much help at all. I have been in touch with the local Community Welfare Officer and told him of the problem he said he will look into it. Going to contact the guards again. Hopefully something will be done about them. Thanks again for all your advice.
has anyone every reported someone for not being registered with the PRTB? I cant find anywhere on the site to do so?
Lyndan said:
has anyone every reported someone for not being registered with the PRTB? I cant find anywhere on the site to do so?

Not sure where the link is on the website either but you can email them and they will send you back a non compliance form to fill in (and it is confidential as well)
You can write to them. I had a similar problem a while ago with neighbours in Lucan. Any here is a copy of the letter I sent.

[FONT=&quot]Pauline Gorman[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]PRTB, Canal House, [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Canal Road, [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Dublin[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 6[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]09 November 2005[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Dear Pauline,[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]We have neighbours a couple of doors up from us and are very noisy. Wheel spinning car tyres at 2 in the morning, parties until 6 in the morning. All this during week days. Not every week day. Say once every two weeks. Their landlord obviously won’t allow smoking in the house as they smoke out side at said parties and at said times. Their immediate neighbours have been in contact with the landlord (although, I haven’t his name or address) who promised to sort it out. Nothing has been done. The landlord has rented his house out to what appears to be the Russian mafia. Mysterious cars pull up at all times, “collect something”, and wheel spin away. I have contacted the Gardai about this but I’m a bit reticent calling the Gardai everytime there is a disturbance. I know they have much more important stuff to be doing. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The reason I write is because I noted in the press a few weeks ago that the deadline was 30th October for Landlords to register with yourselves. As my wife is a Landlord herself and already has registered, I wondered whether the Landlord of 16 Fforster Court, Lucan has also registered. I found details of all the properties in Dublin who’s Landlords had registered and guess what. I didn’t see 16 Fforster Court, Lucan there.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Yours truly,[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]A. Rat.[/FONT]