Trojan detection on PC


Registered User
In the past couple of weeks I have had an almost daily occurance of Trojans being detected by Microsoft Securitiy Essentials on my PC. Does anyone know if they are random invasions or if they are associated with particular websites I visit. I would avoid these sites if that was the case. Any help or info would be appreciated.
I tell people when they get a virus, that 99% of the time it's gay porn sites that cause them. They get red in the face..

yes your browsing habits can be high risk or low risk, always use protection.

AVG will show you clean sites in google searches.
Sounds like you could have a trojan on your PC and the software is picking it up when it trys to communicate with "home".
Full anti virus and anti spyware scans recommended and be careful about the type of sites you visit in the future could sort it out.
Depending on the type of virus you have you may need expert help getting rid of it.
Some websites can be a problem. I had this with one web site so stopped using for a while. I recommend you download malware anti malware and use this with the secutiry essentials as this will get rid of trojans. I have often got trojans which this detects and gets rid off and security essentials does not.