Trocaire - do they pay for all the advertising in the media?


Registered User
I listen to Today FM a lot during the day, and after hearing the latest Trocaire advert for maybe the tenth time that day, I got to wondering if they pay for their advertising or do they get the time donated to them?
I would have presumed that they pay. Can't say definitively though...
I remember a good few years back a guy calls to the door and was collecting for Gorta.
Says I " haven't heard of you guys in years - thought you were gone?"
Says he " No, still going strong, we just don't spend our money on advertising so a higher % goes to the actual cause".
Very impressed so I signed up..
Says he " No, still going strong, we just don't spend our money on advertising so a higher % goes to the actual cause".
It's a good sales line all right.

But do you want a higher % of a smaller amount, or a bigger overall amount going to the actual cause?
Maybe so... but they don't seem to advertise and certainly don't harass me on Baggot St everyday as I try to get to the they get my meagre amount monthly..