Trip to Galway & Kilkenny: recently updated TomTom SatNav fails recognise new Mways.


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On recent trips to Galway and Kilkenny, my Tom Tom sat Nav fails to recognise the new motorways.
It keeps telling me to turn right and go back when I'm obviously going in the right direction.
I've updated the sat Nav before both trips and everything is fine until I get on the new roads.
Other treks along old roads regardless how small, doesn't pose the same problem.

Anyone have the same Experience?
I have the same thing with my Garmin Nuvi, it thinks I'm driving in the middle of fields and the voice goes "calculating" ... "calculating" until I get fed up and turn it off!
This can happen when the sat nav hasn't either been updated or the provider hasn't yet updated with all road changes. Attach the nav to your computer, go to the update facility, and update it. This should mostly solve the problem. Having said that, I have still very occasionally come across roads not on the system. But they are usually ones just very recently built.
I updated my Garmin about 2 to 3 weeks ago max and had to go to Dublin last Saturday, I did'nt need the sat nav but used it to see if the new section of the M9 was on it and unfortunately it was'nt, same thing happened up around Galway at Christmas time.

I bought a Garmin sat nav recently and found that many of the roads already open when I bought it were not on the sat-nav.
Garmin wanted to charge me for these roads. I understand charging for updated maps 'in the future'. But surely when I buy a sat nav it should come with a voucher or one time code to download the latest maps.
Very annoying!
Did you register your device ? The garmin's I've bought in the past (including refurbished) permitted at least 1 updated map refresh/download.
Is there an easy way to see when the map you downloaded was last updated? I've just updated maps for France so would like to see how up to date they are before we head off.

Garmin allow you up to one year, from date that GPS first logged onto a satellite, to update the maps for free, but only one update mind.
Is there an easy way to see when the map you downloaded was last updated? I've just updated maps for France so would like to see how up to date they are before we head off.

The date "stamped" into the map file has little to do with how up to date the map is ie. "NT City Navigator 2011" from Garmin has been available from early 2010 and due out soon is "NT 2012"

AFAIK the latest for the Garmin is Ver. 2011.40
I travelled Belfast to Kerry a few days ago using a Garmin. Have lifetime updates and was updated the day before I left, but it still didn't recognise part of the M1 round Armagh and M7 near Limerick and was trying to steer me off the road!! I'm a major eejit when it come to directions (typical woman!!) so it's as well I had a fair idea of where I was going, otherwise I could have easily ended up in a field!!

Does anyone have any idea who is responsible for making sure new roads are on the updates for these things?
I'd imagine that would be the company which produces your satnav. In your case; Garmin.
They probably only update their maps yearly or so. Doing it more frequently would probably be too expensive.
How old was the road that was missing from the maps?
I emailed Garmin about this and got a reply back today. Navteq it seems are responsible for updating the maps. Below is the reply I got.

"The 2011.40 map version is the most up to date. it was released at the end of February but the mapping will never be 100% accurate as road are changing all the time and the mapping company, Navteq need to survey the road and collect the data. The mapping will normally be around 6 months out of date."
Thats fair enough I suppose. (If that 6 months is an accurate quote) It isn't that long. How old was your unmapped road?
Yeah, Navteq provide all the mapping used by Garmin. They drive each and every road in the country with specially equipped cars. It takes time for them to complete this for each new or altered road. It then takes time to collate the data, check/test it and publish it in the map format.
I travelled Belfast to Kerry a few days ago using a Garmin .. was trying to steer me off the road!!

I'm sure all such devices come with a warning that the driver is ultimately responsible for steering decisions ?

With regard to new roads, I find a satnav most useful for old roads where the signage is not up to standard. Driving, say, the M1 or the M7 makes, IMHO, a satnav unnecessary.
I don't even own the satnav, just borrowed it off my dad since I have such a poor reputation for being able to follow directions!! To be honest I don't know how old the roads are, but juding by the shinyness of the road surface, am guessing they were pretty new!!

Satnav was pretty reliable most of the time, and I wasn't too bothered about the roads not being updated as long as the roadsigns were clear enough. Unreliable satnav is still better than my map reading!!
Hi Barry
I am totally fed up with the service we get from the Satnav manufacturers. I find, like most of the other correspondents that the maps are seriously out of date when travelling on our new motorways. I asked a major store in Liffey Valley could I buy a satnav with guaranteed up to date maps and was told no. They said they cannot tell if the equipment they sell has been updated or not until it is opened and used. What a crap service. Downloading took me five hours and even after that some motorways were not recognised. Are we being conned? Is there anywhere I can purchase a newTomTom or Garmin that GUARANTEES 2011 maps?
My Garmin Nuvi is the same. I used it all the time when i worked in the UK, but Irish roads are so out of date. They are OK in the towns generally, but i have resorted to my trusty AA and Collins Road Maps now! Or use Google Earth and get printable directions, they have all the new roads on!

Oh, if you have a new smartphone you can use the GPS service ont hat too